100 Days of IMPACT

Senior Lifeline

One hundred days IMPACT is an intensive, 100-day awareness and fundraising campaign, running from Super Sunday February 22nd 2015 – May 24th, 2015. Our goal is to generate awareness and enthusiasm about our work, and to raise $3 million for the 2015 Jewish Federation Campaign.

We in…


Our Jewish Federation is looking to invest more in our Hillel Jewish Student Centers at Both UNLV and UNR Campuses!


Hillel Jewish Student Center

Last year we invested more than $130,000 in Hillel Jewish Student Centers at UNLV and UNR. Hel…

Jewish Summer Camp

Our Jewish Federation is looking to invest more in our Jewish Summer Camp Scholarship program to provide more children with a summer of fun and a lifetime of memories!


Sum­mer Camp Schol­ar­ships

The Jew­ish Fed­er­a­tion of Las Vegas is proud to pro­…


One hundred days IMPACT is an intensive, 100-day awareness and fundraising campaign, running from Super Sunday February 22nd 2015 – May 24th, 2015. Our goal is to generate awareness and enthusiasm about our work, and to raise $3 million for the 2015 Jewish Federation Campaign.

We in…

Jewish Community Center

Our Jewish Federation is looking to invest more in our JCC’s wide-ranging program offering youth activities, summer camp, cultural events, Maccabi Games, sports and recreation; scholarships and much more to our entire Jewish community.



Jewish Communi…