JewEL Delivers Mishloach Manot to SLL Clients

More than 20 JewEL Volunteers delivered Mishloach Manot (Purim Gift Baskets) to 23 Las Vegas Senior Lifeline on Thursday, March 24th in honor of the holiday. Volunteers hand delivered the baskets to clients homes, most of whom are home bound and do not have family living in Las Vegas. The baskets contained some snacks, Hamentashen (traditional Purim cookies), apple juice, information about the holiday, and some other fun treats.

When visited by Clayton and Sarah Steinberg, one clients said, "I was born Jewish, I've been Jewish my whole life, and I will be proud to die Jewish. This is my bar mitzvah picture and tallit. I have carried them with me for 60 years. Please give love from my heart and soul to the children who made the bags and those who organized this oh so kind visit." - Marvin

Thanks to all the volunteers for helping to bring a smile and some purim cheer to our Senior Lifeline clients! 


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