Vigil for Victims of Paris Terrorist Attacks

Late yesterday afternoon more than 100 people gathered in Pida Plaza on the UNVL Campus for a memorial vigil sponsored by our Hillel Jewish Student Center and the Jewish Federation.  Those assembled included students, faculty, community members, rabbis and representatives from other faiths and religions; as well as a visiting delegation of students from the University of Maryland Hillel who are in Las Vegas for a special winter break community service project.  

The vigil and program was coordinated by Bailey Brenner, Vice President of the Hillel Jewish Student Center and Matthew Kramer Morning, our Hillel Director at UNLV.  

Speakers at the program included:  Elias Benjalloun, UNLV Student Government President; Gregory Brown, Vice Provost of UNLV; Rabbi Tzvi Bronchtain, Chabad at UNLV; Father Bob Stoecking of the Las Vegas Catholic Diocese; Teji Malik, of the Las Vegas Sikh community; Mike Hengel; Editor of the Las Vegas Review Journal; and Stavros Anthony, Las Vegas City Council.


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