Inspired by Leadership

I’m not sure how many professionals in the non-profit sector can say that they genuinely look forward to their monthly board meetings, but I certainly do! Each month the Jewish Federation Young Leadership board gathers for our monthly meeting to discuss the past month’s successes and challenges and to plan for the months ahead. The 15 member board meets each month at a different board member’s home and spends the first 15-20 minutes eating, schmoozing, and catching up with each other. It’s a family, its deep friendships, and its collective leadership. The house immediately fills with laughter, warmth, and excitement as board members prepare for business.

The next 2 hours are filled with passion, creativity, idea sharing, collaboration, and genuine fun. As a staff member, it is inspiring to listen to a group of dedicated young Jewish leaders discuss how to build a stronger, more vibrant young Jewish community in Las Vegas. The conversations are engaging, diverse, and innovative. The excitement in the room is palpable. It is clear that the board members truly want to make an impact because they care about the future of their Jewish community.

As a staff member, I listen to the ideas, the conversations, and passion and I am inspired. I am inspired because each month I am reassured that the future of the Jewish Community is in good hands. I am inspired because my lay leadership gives me a reason to go to work each day. I am inspired because I have made genuine and meaningful friendships with like-minded young Jewish adults. I am inspired because I witness Young adults who want to be active change agents in our world, and they already are. 


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